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Cara mengaktifkan Facebook yang terblokir

Hai, teman-teman tau ngga sich kemarin sore, Facebook aku di nonaktifkan oleh facebook. Tapi aku justru seneng karena aku sudah lama mencari FB teman aku yg disable soalnya pengen tau cara ngaktifin FB yg disable/blokir/nonaktif...., ee.... ternyata FB aku yg kena

Aku mau berbagi gimana caranya aku mengaktifkan FB yg di blokir niec......,
Petama2 buka email/ logging ke alamat email anda..., lalu buat atau kirim e-mail kepada isinya tergantung kalian mw isi dgn kata2 apa yg pnting temanya minta agar FaceBooknya di aktifkan(pake BHS INGGRIS yah)...
berikut e-mail yang aku kirim aku beri judul atau topik --> My account has been disable by facebook administrator. Dan isinya seperti berikut :

I have 2 simple questions:

1) Can I have my account back YES or No? I don’t care if I will have the applications or the friends I can build it again. If NO what I must to do to get it back? Because the server keep my mail in Block list.

2) Or how to create new account when the server keep my mail block?

Please help me,.


Kedua nunggu balasan dari Team Facebook....,
Balasannya seperti ini :


The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We should get back to you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our Terms of Use ( for more information.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

The Facebook Team

Ketiga setelah team facebook membalas email anda, anda harus nunggu lagi pembeitahuan bahwa FB anda telah aktif. Kata orang2 sich nunggu 2-3 hari tapi kLo aQ sorenya nonaktif, malamnya uDah diaktifkan(dapat email ke-2 kLo FB aku telah aktif..,).isinya begini :


Your account was suspended due to reports of conduct that may be associated with fake accounts. After reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should be able to access it now. For security reasons, we are unable to provide any specific information about reports on the site, or about Facebook's site security systems.

Facebook aspires to be an environment where people can interact safely with their friends and people they know. Accordingly, we expect accounts to reflect mainly your “real-world contacts.” Doing so will allow you to share and connect with the people around you. Contacting strangers or sending unsolicited friend requests can cause your account to be reported.

Please note that if you continue to send friend requests to people you don’t know, or if you violate Facebook’s Terms of Use, your account may be disabled permanently.

Thanks for your understanding,

The Facebook Team

kaLau uDa aktif terserah kalian mau ngebalas e-mailnya Team Facebook ngucapin terimah kasih ato tdk..,
Slamat mencoba

Tips Merawat dan Membersihkan Kamera

Kamera adalah senjata utama bagi seorang fotografer. Seperti seorang tentara, bagaimana kalau senjatanya rusak? tidak bisa berperang bukan? Untuk itu kamera yang bagai istri kedua itu harus dirawat dengan benar, agar tidak cepat rusak dan selalu dalam kondisi siap tempur.
Untuk menngetahui lbih detail silahkan UNGGAH cara saya ini
